Scope and Contents
The Forensics Team records contain materials pertaining to Eastern Michigan University's competitive student organization. The Forensics Team was established in 1963, on the foundation of the debate team, and since 1973 has won over 40 Michigan State Team Championships and placed in the top ten nationally.
The collection has been divided into three series: Administrative Materials, Audio/Visiual and Awards and Trophies. Materials in this collection... includes membership information, publications and press releases, recordings of student members, and awards and trophies from their local and national wins. The strength of the collection lies in the administrative materials section, which includes travel authorizations, results from national and regional competitions, competitions schedules, congratulatory messages, tournament handbooks, tournament invitations, fundraising announcements, personal information sheets, and telegrams. The Audio/Visual series includes Reel-Tape recordings and VHS recordings of speeches, conferences, and showcases that the Forensics Team participated in. Photographs, negatives, slides and scrapbooks of the team dating to 1929 are also included. Materials date between 1937 and 2015 with most materials being between 1970 and 2010. Each sub-series is arranged chronologically by year. The Awards and Trophies series includes certificates and plaques from the various championship and other Forensic event wins the Team has achieved since their establishment. The Forensics Team was established in 1963, on the foundation of the debate team, and since 1973 has won over 40 Michigan State Team Championships and placed in the top ten nationally. The materials date between 1994 and 2010 and are arranged chronologically by year. The inception and evolution of the Eastern Michigan University Forensics Program is illustrated in materials included in this collection, and it gives significant insight into the role of debate and drama in the lives of EMU students.
- Creation: 1937 - 2022
Conditions Governing Access
Researchers are asked to request materials 24 hours prior to visiting the the University Archives.
From the Collection: 28.53 Linear Feet (19 archive boxes, 7 oversize boxes, 2 oversize folder, 3 slide boxes, 1 halfsize archive box, 1 clamshell box, 1 record center carton, 7 objects)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Eastern Michigan University Archives Repository
Bruce T. Halle Library, Room 310
955 West Circle Drive
Ypsilanti Michigan 48197