Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 636
Identifier: 010.BK
The Benjamin J. Klager papers contain clippings, correspondence, and Klager's personal memoirs. Klager was an alumni and faculty at Eastern Michigan University, and served in the position of controller from 1948 to 1960. The collection is arranged alphabetically. Records date from 1960-1972.
1960 - 1972
Identifier: 05.BD
The Benjamin L. D'Ooge papers contains publications, photographs, and biographical information related to professor and head of the Latin Department at Michigan State Normal School now known as Eastern Michigan University, Benjamin L. D'Ooge (1860-1940). D'Ooge was on faculty for fifty years, and the author of numerous textbooks for teaching Latin. He retired in 1936 and died in 1940. The collection includes genealogical and biographical material on D'Ooge and...
1884 - 2007
Identifier: 018.BGH
Bert G. Hornback was a professor of English and Literature at the University of Michigan from 1964-1992. During his career he developed friendships with various novelists and poets, who in turn gifted him with copies of their publications with inscriptions, dedications, and signatures. The collection includes those autographed materials arranged by author and then by title. A larger donation of titles was given to the Eastern Michigan University Library with the majority of materials...
1953 - 2003
Identifier: 015.BGH
The Bertha Goodison Hall materials includes floorplans and elevations, as well as a brick colleted when Goodison Hall was dismanteled in 1998. Goodison Residence Hall and King Residence Hall were among the first dormitories built on Eastern Michigan's campus with Works Progress Administration labor in the late 1930s. Constructed as women's housing Goodison and King Halls were designed in the shape of two opposing Us creating the first two-room dormitory suites...
1939 - 1998
Identifier: 04.BGS
Beta Gamma Sigma is a national honor society for students of business, economics, and commerce, founded in 1907 at the University of Illinois. The Eastern Michigan University chapter was founded in 1975. The Eastern Michigan University Beta Gamma Sigma records consists of chapter administration papers, including meeting minutes, constitution and by-laws, institutional history, directory of members, initiations, and financial reports from 1975 to 2006, with the...
1975 - 2006; Majority of material found within 1975 - 1985
Identifier: 07.BB
Betty Barber was an assistant professor in EMU's Department of Home Economics, later the Department of Human, Environmental, and Consumer Resources, and also in the Department of Teacher Education, from 1967-2004. Barber was also instrumental in establishing the state's first Women's Studies minor at EMU in 1975. The collection, which spans the years 1955-2004, includes personal and professional materials related to Barber's research, mentoring, and academic...
1955 - 2004
Identifier: 010.BBC
Dr. Betty Brown-Chappell is emerita faculty of Eastern Michigan University. The Betty Brown-Chappell papers documents her academic, genealogical, and professional life. The collection relates her lifetime experience in the sectors of family and student life as a first generation collegian, as an African-American Ph.D. of Social Work, and professor, and as an academic administrator. Additional materials focus on Brown-Chappell’s work as a social work advocate...
1946 - 2021; Majority of material found within 1992 - 2013
Identifier: 018.BCB
The Bicentennial Celebration Banner collection is composed of fabric banners used in Eastern Michigan University campus celebrations of the American Revolution Bicentennial.
1976 - 1976
Identifier: 018.BFP
This collection includes photographic materials representing the people found in the Biography File Collection, primarily faculty and staff of the University. Photographic formats include black-and-white prints, color prints, prints within scrapbooks, Polaroid prints, color slides, black and white negatives, and color negatives. Materials are arranged in the collection alphabetically by last name.
1868 - 2003
Identifier: 010.BFSA
The Purpose of the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) is to further the well-being of the African American community of Eastern Michigan University and to contribute to the institution's quest for excellence. The BFSA sponsors activities appropriate to these aims and engages in research and dialogue on institutional initiatives and direction. The Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) records includes a wide variety of textual materials detailing...
1970- present