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Showing Collections: 481 - 490 of 635

QUEST Student Organization collection

Identifier: 04.QSO
Abstract QUEST or Queer Unity for Eastern Students is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Association at Eastern Michigan University. The mission of QUEST is to promote awareness of LGBT issues through outreach and education programs both on campus and in the community, provide a safe and comfortable environment for LGBT students seeking support and guidance through their peers, engage in social activities which promote a positive self-image for LGBT students and support the work and...
Dates: 1997 - 1999

Quirk Dramatic Arts and Sponberg Theatre Buildings records

Identifier: 015.QS
Abstract The Quirk Dramatic Arts and Sponberg Theatre Buildings records (1935-2008) contains material related to the construction and dedication of the Quirk Dramatic Arts building, the history of the theatre, as well as planning, fundraising, and publicity material for its expansion and renovation to include the Sponberg Theatre in the 1980s. The collection includes newspaper clippings, blueprints, press releases, brochures, flyers, correspondence, manuscripts, and...
Dates: 1935 - 2008; Majority of material found within 1981 - 1986

Ralph Gilden Photograph collection

Identifier: 00.RGP
Abstract The Ralph Gilden Photograph collection consists of photographs given to Gilden from students of Eastern Michigan University in which he had worked with in various capacities. Ralph Gilden was faculty member and administrator at Eastern Michigan University from 1942-1982 and was known as “Dean Gilden” across campus. Many of the photographs in the collection are addressed to Dean Gilden and contain personal notes of thanks and well wishes. Materials in the...
Dates: circa

Reinhard Wittke papers

Identifier: 010.RW
Abstract Reinhard Wittke was a professor in the History Department at Eastern Michigan University from 1956-1990. During his time at Eastern, Wittke established and was best known for establishing the European Adventure Tours in 1960, which became International Studies Program. The Reinhard Wittke papers which date from 1947-2007 primarily documents the tour program including clippings, tour planning, correspondence, student papers, maps, and itineraries; but also...
Dates: 1947 - 2007

Remember 9/11 Banner collection

Identifier: 018.RB

The Remember 9/11 Banners were displayed at on Eastern Michigan University's campus, following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. The banners were signed by students, faculty, and staff.

Dates: 2001 - 2001

Residence Hall Association records

Identifier: 00.RHA
Abstract Through the campus executive board and hall governments, the Residence Hall Association is committed to improving the lives of Eastern residents by sponsoring programs, representing resident interests, and promoting awareness and involvement throughout the halls and campus. The Residence Hall Association records contain materials such as clippings, meeting minutes, news releases, flyers, newsletters, resolutions, goals, and constitutions belonging to the...
Dates: 1967 - 2013

Residence Hall Scrapbooks

Identifier: 04.RH

The Residence Hall Scrapbooks document the lives and activities of residents living in Brown, Buell, Downing, Goodison, and King Halls. Each of these residence halls were named after some of Michigan State Normal College's influential faculty members. The scrapbooks date 1940-1995, with the bulk of information from 1940-1971.

Dates: 1940 - 1995; Majority of material found within 1940 - 1971

Richard and Greta (Hellum) Fulton collection

Identifier: 04.RGF

Richard "Dick" Fulton and Greta Hellum Fulton were students at Michigan State Normal College and then Eastern Michigan University. Their collection includes materials concerning their lives on campus, as well as campus-specific materials.

Dates: The majority of the collection is from 1954-1958.

Richard "Dick" Oltmanns collection

Identifier: 010.RO
Abstract The Richard "Dick" Oltmanns collection are slide presentations created and given by Richard Oltmanns while on the faculty of Eastern Michigan University on campus and in the community. Oltmanns who was a graduate of the Michigan State Normal College returned to campus in 1956 and joined the faculty in the College of Education and the Library where he was the coordinator of Media Services. Materials in the collection are complete slide sets of...
Dates: 1960 - 1988

Richard "Dick" Schwarze photograph collection

Identifier: 010.RS
Abstract The Richard "Dick" Schwarze photograph collection contains photographic formats from the campus photographer Dick Schwarze taken during his time as campus photographer from 1970-2006. Subjects represented in the collection include campus and community events, student life, and campus grounds and facilities. Also included in the collection are a significant number of headshots of faculty and staff, including University President William E. Shelton. The collection contains color as...
Dates: 1970 - 2007

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Eastern Michigan University 393
Michigan State Normal College 170
Universities and colleges -- Faculty. 98
Students 77
College campuses 59
∨ more
Administration 51
Campus Life 50
Michigan State Normal School 43
College administrators 42
Buildings 41
Greek letter societies 40
Eastern Michigan University. Division of Academic Affairs 39
Eastern Michigan University. College of Arts and Sciences 38
Eastern Michigan University. College of Education 38
College presidents 37
Alumni and alumnae 34
Athletics 28
University women 23
College teachers 21
Historic preservation. 21
Building dedications. 19
Fraternities 19
History. 18
Professor 18
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Michigan 18
Eastern Michigan College 15
Undergraduate 15
Teachers -- Training of 14
Buildings -- Remodeling for other use. 13
College sports 13
Eastern Michigan University. College of Technology 13
Education -- Administration. 13
Sororities, Greek letter 13
Eastern Michigan University. College of Business 12
Educational methods and techniques 12
Historic Preservation Organizations 12
Memorials 12
Music -- Instruction and study. 12
Scrapbooks. 12
Student papers 12
Business education 11
Photographs. 11
Ypsilanti 11
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Art 10
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Geography-Geology 10
Graduate School studies 10
Historic districts 10
School enrollment 10
Track and Field 10
Community education 9
Eastern Michigan University. College of Health and Human Services 9
Governing bodies. 9
Labor unions. 9
National Register of Historic Places 9
Physical education and training. 9
Student publications 9
Buildings -- Additions. 8
College department heads. 8
College student development programs 8
College student government 8
Deans (Education) 8
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Communication and Theatre Arts 8
Education -- History 8
Football 8
Labor unions and education 8
Michigan. 8
Photography -- Negatives. 8
Religion. 8
Student movements. 8
Theater 8
African Americans 7
Basketball 7
Conference proceedings 7
Continuing education 7
Cultural Heritage 7
Degrees, Academic 7
Finance 7
Foreign study -- Europe. 7
Homecoming 7
Literature. 7
Student affairs administrators 7
Student newspapers and periodicals 7
Women -- Societies and clubs 7
Women's studies 7
Anniversaries 6
Architects 6
Architecture, American 6
Biology 6
College and school drama 6
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Social Work 6
Executive advisory bodies 6
Foreign study 6
Geography. 6
Heritage tourism 6
Historic American Buildings Survey 6
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender 6
Library science 6
Service learning 6
Special education 6
Urban planning and environment 6
+ ∧ less
Chinese 1
Eastern Michigan University 96
Michigan State Normal College 23
Brickley, James 10
Elliott, Eugene 10
Porter, John W. 10
∨ more
McKenny, Charles, 1860-1933 8
Nelson, Bruce K. 8
Munson, John M. 7
Shelton, William E. 7
American Association of University Professors 6
D'Ooge, Benjamin L. 1860-1940 (Benjamin Leonard) 6
Sponberg, Harold 6
Alexander, Frederick 5
Bellows, Charles Fitz Roy 5
Boone, Richard G, 1849-1923 (Richard Gause) 5
Eastern Michigan College 5
Loppnow, Donald 5
Marshall, Everett 5
Welch, A. S. (Adonijah Strong), 1821-1889 5
Ligibel, Ted 4
McLennan, Marshall S. 4
Nazzaro, Andrew 4
Pease, Frederic H., 1839-1909 (Frederic Henry) 4
Putnam , Daniel 4
Sherzer, W. H., (William Hittell), 1860-1932 4
Sill, John Mahelm Berry 4
Collins, Ronald W. 3
Eastern Michigan University. Board of Regents 3
Edmunds, Nat (Nathalie) 3
Estabrook , Joseph 3
Estleman , Loren D. 3
Jefferson, Mark 3
Jones, Lewis Henry 3
King, Julia Anne, 1838-1919 3
MacVicar, Malcolm, 1829-1904 3
Marshall, Albert P. (Albert Prince), 1914- 3
Mayhew, David Porter 3
Olds , Lloyd W. 3
Pierce, John D. 3
Smith, Laurence N. 3
Strong, Edwin Atson 3
Willits, Mr. (Edwin), 1830-1896 3
Wittke, Reinhard 3
Ypsilanti Historic District Commission. City of Ypsilanti 3
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 2
Alpha Phi Omega 2
American Occupational Therapy Association 2
Barber, Betty 2
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 2
Boone, Morell D. 2
Cross, Gilbert B. 2
D'Ooge, Jane (Jane "Jennie" Electa Pease) (1857-1937) 2
Delta Pi Epsilon 2
Dickinson, Laura 2
Eastern Michigan University. Alumni Association 2
Eastern Michigan University. Faculty Senate 2
Eastern Michigan University. Office of Human Resources. 2
Elliott, Charles M. 2
Erickson, Carl, Dr. 2
Fallon, John A., III 2
Fenz, Emanuel G. 2
Goddard, Mary 2
Gousseff, James William 2
Hafter, Daryl M., 1935- 2
Hankinson, Thomas L., 1876-1935 (Thomas Leroy) 2
Hood, Carl 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Kirkpatrick , Samuel A. 2
LOEX Clearinghouse for Library Instruction 2
Lawrence , William C. 2
Lodeman, August 2
Loeb, Judy 2
Loesell, Clarence M. 2
Lyman, Elmer A. (Elmer Adelbert), 1861- 2
May, George 2
McDaniel, Thelma 2
Menzi, Leonard 2
Michigan State Normal School 2
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 2
National Council for Preservation Education (U.S.) 2
National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States 2
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (U.S.) 2
Oltmanns, Richard G., -2014 2
Osband, Lucy 2
Pappas, John 2
Pedersen, Erik 2
Pray, Carl 2
Quinn, Kathleen 2
Quirk, Daniel L. 2
Rice, John 2
Roosevelt School 2
Rynearson, E.J. (Elton J.) 2
Sharp, David 2
State of Michigan 2
Strevens, Peter 2
Terry, Janice 2
Van Haren , John 2
Virtue, John B. 2
Walton, Genevieve 2
+ ∧ less