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Showing Collections: 621 - 630 of 635

Women's and Gender Studies Department records

Identifier: 05.WS

The Women's and Gender Studies Department was initiated in 1975 and has grown from offering the first minor in Women's Studies in Michigan, to offering an undergraduate major and minor, and the state's only stand-alone Master of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies. The Women's Studies records range from 1970 to 2010 and include correspondence, minutes, program reviews, cassette tapes, video tapes, fliers, poems, clippings, pamphlets, and photographs.

Dates: 1970 - 2010

Women's Association records

Identifier: 04.WA
Abstract The Women's Association of Eastern Michigan University was founded in November of 1914 by female faculty members in order to pursue professional, political, civic, cultural, philanthropic, and social activities. The Women's Association records include materials from the Eastern Michigan University Women's Association, also known as the Contemporary Club and the Faculty Women's Club. The records date from approximately 1914 to 2004, and include materials...
Dates: 1940 - 1997

Women's Commission collection

Identifier: 010.WC

The Women's Commission collection documents an organization that exists to ensure the equal treatment of women at Eastern Michigan University. The collection includes clippings, meeting minutes, history, purpose of the organization, committees, annual reports, financial records, and correspondence. The collection is arranged in two series. Records date from 1970-2017.

Dates: 1970 - 2017

Women's Physical Education Club scrapbook

Identifier: 04.WPEC
Abstract The Women's Physical Education Club scrapbook, 1958-1964 documents the social activities of those women majoring in Physical Education at Eastern Michigan University. Included in scrapbook are photographs, clippings, programs and flyers related to members, speakers and events on campus, and activities by the club. The Women's Phyisical Education Club existed to support those women enrolled as Physical Education Majors in the Department of Health, Physical...
Dates: 1958 - 1965

Women's Recreation Association collection

Identifier: 03.WRA
Abstract The Women's Recreation Association collection documents the activities and events of the WRA. Before the EMU had school sponsored sports for women, the WRA gave all female students an opportunity to participate in athletics. The WRA was originally known as the Women's Athletic Association, or the WAA. The WRA was an active organization on campus. Members could participate in almost every sport from bowling to modern dance, camping...
Dates: 1928 - 1970; Majority of material found within 1963 - 1970

Woolridge Brown Morton III papers

Identifier: 018.WBM
Abstract The Woolridge Brown Morton III papers consists of materials related to Morton’s professional service and volunteer efforts during his fourty plus years instructing at the University of Mary Washington and while working as a private contractor.The materials in the collection span from 1714-2011 with the bulk of the collection dating from 1960-1999. They reflect his involvement in important events such as preservation projects in Bayt Al-Razzaz,...
Dates: 1714 - 2011; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1999

Work Projects Administration collection

Identifier: 015.WPA

The Work Projects Administration collection documents the projects completed by the WPA at Eastern Michigan University, then Michigan State Normal College. The collection includes correspondence, news letters, equipment rentals, memos and bulletins, outline of the program, project information, schedule of wages, and statsitical survey and research information. The collection is arranged alphabetically. Records date from 1935-1941.

Dates: 1935 - 1941

World College and Academic Programs Abroad records

Identifier: 05.WCAPA
Abstract The World College and Academic Programs Abroad records document the World College and Academic Programs Abroad at Eastern Michigan University. Materials are arranged into three series Administrative files, Cultural History Tours and Photographs. The World College was established in 1987 with the mission to help promote and guide the internationalization of courses,...
Dates: 1969 - 2012

Yemen Project collection

Identifier: 07.YP
Abstract The Basic Education Development Project No. 279-0053, also known as the Yemen Project, was a collaboration from 1979 to 1986 between Eastern Michigan University's College of Education and Sana'a University in the Yemen Arab Republic (now North Yemen). The project was contracted and overseen by the United States Agency for International Development in an effort to improve Yemen's basic education system during its period of modernization. The project was divided into four subprojects: Core...
Dates: 1979 - 1986

Young Women's Christian Association records

Identifier: 04.YWCA
Abstract The Young Women's Christian Association at Michigan State Normal College was a non-sectarian voluntary association founded on Christian principles in order to build a fellowship of students and faculty on campus. The Young Women's Christian Association records include the materials pertaining to the founding, administration, history, and activities of the organization at Michigan State Normal College. Included in the collection...
Dates: 1896 - 1948

Filter Results

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Eastern Michigan University 393
Michigan State Normal College 170
Universities and colleges -- Faculty. 98
Students 77
College campuses 59
∨ more
Administration 51
Campus Life 50
Michigan State Normal School 43
College administrators 42
Buildings 41
Greek letter societies 40
Eastern Michigan University. Division of Academic Affairs 39
Eastern Michigan University. College of Arts and Sciences 38
Eastern Michigan University. College of Education 38
College presidents 37
Alumni and alumnae 34
Athletics 28
University women 23
College teachers 21
Historic preservation. 21
Building dedications. 19
Fraternities 19
History. 18
Professor 18
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Michigan 18
Eastern Michigan College 15
Undergraduate 15
Teachers -- Training of 14
Buildings -- Remodeling for other use. 13
College sports 13
Eastern Michigan University. College of Technology 13
Education -- Administration. 13
Sororities, Greek letter 13
Eastern Michigan University. College of Business 12
Educational methods and techniques 12
Historic Preservation Organizations 12
Memorials 12
Music -- Instruction and study. 12
Scrapbooks. 12
Student papers 12
Business education 11
Photographs. 11
Ypsilanti 11
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Art 10
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Geography-Geology 10
Graduate School studies 10
Historic districts 10
School enrollment 10
Track and Field 10
Community education 9
Eastern Michigan University. College of Health and Human Services 9
Governing bodies. 9
Labor unions. 9
National Register of Historic Places 9
Physical education and training. 9
Student publications 9
Buildings -- Additions. 8
College department heads. 8
College student development programs 8
College student government 8
Deans (Education) 8
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Communication and Theatre Arts 8
Education -- History 8
Football 8
Labor unions and education 8
Michigan. 8
Photography -- Negatives. 8
Religion. 8
Student movements. 8
Theater 8
African Americans 7
Basketball 7
Conference proceedings 7
Continuing education 7
Cultural Heritage 7
Degrees, Academic 7
Finance 7
Foreign study -- Europe. 7
Homecoming 7
Literature. 7
Student affairs administrators 7
Student newspapers and periodicals 7
Women -- Societies and clubs 7
Women's studies 7
Anniversaries 6
Architects 6
Architecture, American 6
Biology 6
College and school drama 6
Eastern Michigan University. Department of Social Work 6
Executive advisory bodies 6
Foreign study 6
Geography. 6
Heritage tourism 6
Historic American Buildings Survey 6
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender 6
Library science 6
Service learning 6
Special education 6
Urban planning and environment 6
+ ∧ less
Chinese 1
Eastern Michigan University 96
Michigan State Normal College 23
Brickley, James 10
Elliott, Eugene 10
Porter, John W. 10
∨ more
McKenny, Charles, 1860-1933 8
Nelson, Bruce K. 8
Munson, John M. 7
Shelton, William E. 7
American Association of University Professors 6
D'Ooge, Benjamin L. 1860-1940 (Benjamin Leonard) 6
Sponberg, Harold 6
Alexander, Frederick 5
Bellows, Charles Fitz Roy 5
Boone, Richard G, 1849-1923 (Richard Gause) 5
Eastern Michigan College 5
Loppnow, Donald 5
Marshall, Everett 5
Welch, A. S. (Adonijah Strong), 1821-1889 5
Ligibel, Ted 4
McLennan, Marshall S. 4
Nazzaro, Andrew 4
Pease, Frederic H., 1839-1909 (Frederic Henry) 4
Putnam , Daniel 4
Sherzer, W. H., (William Hittell), 1860-1932 4
Sill, John Mahelm Berry 4
Collins, Ronald W. 3
Eastern Michigan University. Board of Regents 3
Edmunds, Nat (Nathalie) 3
Estabrook , Joseph 3
Estleman , Loren D. 3
Jefferson, Mark 3
Jones, Lewis Henry 3
King, Julia Anne, 1838-1919 3
MacVicar, Malcolm, 1829-1904 3
Marshall, Albert P. (Albert Prince), 1914- 3
Mayhew, David Porter 3
Olds , Lloyd W. 3
Pierce, John D. 3
Smith, Laurence N. 3
Strong, Edwin Atson 3
Willits, Mr. (Edwin), 1830-1896 3
Wittke, Reinhard 3
Ypsilanti Historic District Commission. City of Ypsilanti 3
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 2
Alpha Phi Omega 2
American Occupational Therapy Association 2
Barber, Betty 2
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 2
Boone, Morell D. 2
Cross, Gilbert B. 2
D'Ooge, Jane (Jane "Jennie" Electa Pease) (1857-1937) 2
Delta Pi Epsilon 2
Dickinson, Laura 2
Eastern Michigan University. Alumni Association 2
Eastern Michigan University. Faculty Senate 2
Eastern Michigan University. Office of Human Resources. 2
Elliott, Charles M. 2
Erickson, Carl, Dr. 2
Fallon, John A., III 2
Fenz, Emanuel G. 2
Goddard, Mary 2
Gousseff, James William 2
Hafter, Daryl M., 1935- 2
Hankinson, Thomas L., 1876-1935 (Thomas Leroy) 2
Hood, Carl 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Kirkpatrick , Samuel A. 2
LOEX Clearinghouse for Library Instruction 2
Lawrence , William C. 2
Lodeman, August 2
Loeb, Judy 2
Loesell, Clarence M. 2
Lyman, Elmer A. (Elmer Adelbert), 1861- 2
May, George 2
McDaniel, Thelma 2
Menzi, Leonard 2
Michigan State Normal School 2
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 2
National Council for Preservation Education (U.S.) 2
National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States 2
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (U.S.) 2
Oltmanns, Richard G., -2014 2
Osband, Lucy 2
Pappas, John 2
Pedersen, Erik 2
Pray, Carl 2
Quinn, Kathleen 2
Quirk, Daniel L. 2
Rice, John 2
Roosevelt School 2
Rynearson, E.J. (Elton J.) 2
Sharp, David 2
State of Michigan 2
Strevens, Peter 2
Terry, Janice 2
Van Haren , John 2
Virtue, John B. 2
Walton, Genevieve 2
+ ∧ less