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010. Faculty, Staff and Support Services

 Record Group
Identifier: 010

Found in 92 Collections and/or Records:

Harry T. Wood papers

Identifier: 010.HTW
Abstract Harry T. Wood taught at Michigan State Normal College (MSNC) as an assistant professor in the Department of Speech from 1927 until his death in 1943. Wood coached the MSNC debate team, and belonged to organizations dedicated to providing comprehensive special education in Michigan. The Harry T. Wood papers include correspondence; notes and papers written as a student at various universities; outlines and publications used in classes he taught; MSNC student...
Dates: 1894 - 1943; Majority of material found within 1923 - 1937

John S. Elwell papers

Identifier: 010.JE

John S. Elwell was a faculty member of the Department of Music at Eastern Michigan University from 1948 to 1975. His papers consist of correspondence, clippings, programs from musical events, and a large collection of sheet music which Elwell accumulated.

Dates: 1930 - 2004

John A. Nist papers

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: 010.JN
Abstract John A. Nist was a professor of English at Eastern Michigan University from 1952-1962. Born in Chicago in 1925, Nist received his degrees from DePaul University and Indiana University and taught courses in linguistic science, creative writing, old English and Medievial writing. He was the faculty advisor to the English Club and was responsible for bringing to campus the Delta chapter of the honor fraternity Lambda Iota Tau. Married to Joan Stidham, the couple had four boys, two of which...
Dates: 1954 - 1962

John Loree ceramic collection

Identifier: 010.JoL
Abstract The John Loree ceramic collection includes four examples of emeritus professor John P. Loree's ceramic work including two vessels, one plate and one shallow bowl. Loree was on the Art Department faculty for 39 years teaching ceramics and design from 1969-2001. He received his undergraduate degree from Fordham University and his MFA from Alfred University in New York. The works donated to the University Archives are stoneware, each with a different unique...
Dates: 1970 - 2014

John D. Pierce papers

Identifier: 010.JP
Abstract John D. Pierce was an important figure in the early history of Michigan State Normal College and education in Michigan in general. He served as the first Superintendent of Public Education from 1836 to 1882, and gave the dedicatory address at the completion of the first building on the MSNC campus. The John D. Pierce papers include the following materials: Pierce's personal copy of the Holy Bible, along with clippings which were removed from the inside cover;...
Dates: 1797 - 1882

Laurence N. Smith collection

Identifier: 010.LS
Abstract Laurence N. Smith has gained national recognition as a pioneer in marketing of non-profit institutions and service organizations as well as his work in executive development and Transformation Management. Smith worked for Eastern Michigan University in the capacity of Vice President for University Marketing and Student Affairs starting in 1975 where he had overall leadership responsibility for strategic University marketing, communication and media relations, as well as student affairs. The...
Dates: 1975 - 2000

Mary Goddard papers

Identifier: 010.MG
Abstract Born in Winnebago Illinois, January 23, 1870, Mary Alice Goddard was a school teacher in Illinois from 1890-95 when she moved to Ann Arbor to attend the University of Michigan where she completed her degree in 1900. She was hired as an instructor by the Michigan State Normal College in 1901, and retired in 1939 as a full professor after compeleting graduate work at the University of Chicago, University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin. After retiring in 1939, she lived with her...
Dates: 1900 - 1941

Lloyd W. Olds papers

Identifier: 010.LWO
Abstract Lloyd W. Olds was an alumni, faculty member, and athletic coach at Eastern Michigan University. Dr. Olds joined the EMU faculty in 1921 and worked in the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, of which he served as the department chair from 1956 to 1963. Olds was also a track and field coach at EMU and served as an associate coach of the US Olympics track and field team in 1932. Notably, Olds established the first collegiate intramural athletics department in 1921,...
Dates: 1932 - 1982

Norman Tyler papers

Identifier: 010.NT
Abstract The Norman Tyler papers document the work of Tyler while on the faculty of the Geology and Geography Department particularly in the Urban and Regional Planning Program at Eastern Michigan University. It contains materials related to both the Urban and Regional Planning program and the Historic Preservation program from 1990 to 2014. The collection is organized into four series and does not include materials related to Tyler's research, writing. The primary...
Dates: 1990 - 2014

Lisa Klopfer papers

Identifier: 010.LiK
Dates: 2000 - 2022